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Bugcrowd is excited to announce a special Program Challenge for the month of October to celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness! We are running a set of challenges that get progressively more difficult each week. 

You can choose to complete one challenge or all four! 

Winners will be evaluated at the end of October and will feature the challenge champions in a blog post in mid-November. Each week will be evaluated independently for the swag so be sure to get your submissions in early!

[vcex_button url=”” title=”” style=”flat” align=”center” color=”orange” size=”small” target=”self” rel=”none”]Check out the Challenges on Our Blog![/vcex_button]

Platform Updates

New! Just for You

Looking for a new program but don’t know where to start? 

The Just For You recommendation engine provides the best matches based on your platform activity and is tailored to your individual interests and skillsets.

Our brand new Program Cards show you a teaser tagline, reward range, and scope indicators for each program to help you cut down the time spent searching for programs and get you hacking faster!

[vcex_button url=”” title=”” style=”flat” align=”left” color=”orange” size=”small” target=”self” rel=”none”]Find out what Programs are Just for You![/vcex_button]



Recent Platform Updates: 

Researcher Profiles: Resumes In Platform and Profile Changes

Platform Update: 2FA Backup Codes

Waitlisted Applications: How Do They Work? 

Look out for more platform updates coming later this year!


Hacker’s Hangout

Spotlight: How-To: FFUF with Codingo

Our very own Michael Skelton (codingo) recently put together the ultimate guide to FFUF – a web directory fuzzing tool –  to give you some tips for finding Bug Bounties. Check it out!


Researcher Resource Kits!

Web Cache Deception for Beginners – Farah Hawa

A Byte-Ful with TomNomNom

Researcher Spotlight: Hx01

How do we Measure Researcher Performance? 

Events & Sponsorships

XSS Challenge with Vulnerability

This challenge focused on discovering 5 XSS Vulnerabilities and bypassing a Content Security Policy (CSP) in a hosted lab environment.  Congrats to the Winners of this Cybersecurity Challenge! 

Writeup from OfficialBenko here!

We are Proud to Sponsor:

ByteCon2020 – September 25th, 2020

DarkArmyCTF – September 27th, 2020

ARPCon2020 – October 9-11th, 2020

KAVACON – October 20, 22, 27th and 29th, 2020

YASCON2020 – November 1st, 2020

Have an event you’d like Bugcrowd to sponsor? Reach out to for more information! 

Not part of the Crowd? What are you waiting for! Sign up for a Researcher account and follow us on Twitter!